Friday, March 23, 2012

The Beauty of Life

A couple of weeks ago I encountered this talk of Neil deGrasse Tyson. What is the most astonishing fact about the universe? I would thought the warping and such phenomena would be on the list. But No! He talked about how we all, came from the universe. How true, yet how easily forgotten. It reminds me of another video that I've seen  not so long before this. 

It is an animation of the human cells in working. It shows everything we've learned in high school: the making of DNAs and RNAs, the blood cells working their way though the bloodstream.... They are so familiar yet the view is alien to the eyes. How little do we know about ourselves. We are no less alien than the imaginings of our minds. But then again, we are like the stars, we know of its existence,  but little of anything else. We can only do our best to try to understand the work that has been going on in the cosmos since the beginning of time.

What I love about these videos is that they reminds me of the wonderfulness of our existence. To stand on earth, or to be here, at this moment, is a blessing. Sometimes when I feel down, I'd like to remind myself that life is a miracle, and it is worth every second that we cherish it, and love it. When I felt happy, thinking about these facts, I found power in pursuing my dreams. I want to know more! We shouldn't be aliens to ourselves. Sometimes I even believe that, if we work hard enough, if we have enough passion, we would eventually found all answers to our questions.

No matter what the future is installed for us, I want to live it to the fullest. And these videos give me the best reasons to tell people why.


Chiba said...

It's so beautiful and magical. such amazing scenes.
I miss the days I were studying biology in high school.Thanks for sharing these videos ;)

Unknown said...

Can't believe your here!! You are right, I miss biology class too. Thanks for stopping by. I'll do my best to keep interesting posts coming.

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