DAY 4 (July 28th)
Burt Rutan had a forum at the museum today. It wasn't a serious lecture, just a light storytelling from this great man. He simply asked the crowd what we'd like to hear. Everyone was ready for a good story. He started, telling us of his favorite design -- SpaceShipOne. Indeed it was a most magnificent idea to have a it "feather" itself to reduce speed then touch down at the airport like all other airplanes.
I admit that I've known nothing about Rutan before AirVenture. I've heard about SpaceShipOne, but that was about as far as it goes. Upon hearing his story however, I am sure he is more than just a super brilliant aircraft designer. What with his old age and heart conditions, he is still flying! (He performed in the air show that afternoon.) How much enthusiasm must the man have! I like what how he build his first spacecraft himself. because people said, "Nay, that's not going to work." and were afraid to build it. And look! It did flew! Without using great big fuel cells, an "airplane" was able to go to space and back again!
How I wished I was there when the White Knight carried it up to the sky! To feel the suspense and to wish, over and over again, that it will be a safe and successful trip. Watching the documentary, seeing the M&M's flying in the cockpit, so much has gone though my head. It seems that my dream of general spaceflight will happen in my time. Perhaps even going to other planets instead of just orbiting around the earth. What if Issac Asimov's story comes true? It does not seem that impossible anymore. Even when I doubt it before, I am confident now.
How I wished I was there when the White Knight carried it up to the sky! To feel the suspense and to wish, over and over again, that it will be a safe and successful trip. Watching the documentary, seeing the M&M's flying in the cockpit, so much has gone though my head. It seems that my dream of general spaceflight will happen in my time. Perhaps even going to other planets instead of just orbiting around the earth. What if Issac Asimov's story comes true? It does not seem that impossible anymore. Even when I doubt it before, I am confident now.